Many pictures were taken over the Christmas break. Here are just a few...
12/23/2008 - Phoenix Zoo

12/23/2008 - Arizona Science Center

12/24/2008 - Christmas Eve

12/25/2008 - Christmas

12/29 - 30/2008 - Flagstaff, Arizona
So, the lesson learned on this trip....never pull off to the side of a snowy road because you never really know how steep the embankment is.
We drove from our home in Mesa to Flagstaff on Monday morning. In Flagstaff we pulled into a Target to let the kids use the restroom, eat lunch in the parking lot, and change into our snow clothes. We then headed up the canyon in search of Wing Mountain Recreation Area, which is operated by the Forest Service and is only available for sledding. We missed the turnoff and soon discovered that there wasn't a place to turn around. After traveling for a few miles we noticed some people pulled over to the side.
Since traffic was slowing down anyway we decided to pull in front of them and make a u-turn. We quickly discovered that they were stuck in the snow on the side and some friends of theirs had stopped to help push them out. No sooner were they out and away and we noticed that we too were spinning rubber (but not going anywhere). We (I) placed more faith in our all-wheel-drive van than we (I) should have. In no time at all our back passenger side was about three feet down the side of the embankment. Rhonda noticed the exhaust pipe was covered so I turned the van off.
It's difficult to find words to describe how one feels when finding themselves stuck in the snow in the middle of nowhere with a van full of kids that have been riding for about four hours and want to play in the snow. Needless to say, I was panicking. Fortunately we have AAA so we were thinking we may have to just way an hour or two for a tow truck to come and pull out another ignorant Phoenician.
Just as I pulled out my AAA card and started dialing a Expedition pulled over with a family of five. The dad said he had a tow rope and if I could find somewhere to latch it on he would pull us out. A few minutes later we were back on the road. How grateful we are that there are charitable and prepared people out there. We truly felt the hand of the Lord bless us in a time of great need.
A few miles up the road we found a legitimate spot to turn around. By the time we got back to Wing Mountain there was a ranger out front of the 1/2 mile entrance road with a "closed" sign. When we inquired as to the reason for the closure he informed us that we were too late. He said they already had 700 cars and weren't suppose to have more than 600. If we hadn't missed the turn off we would have made it into the park, but it would have been incredibly crowded.
We found an alternative place to play on Monday and hit Wing Mountain early on Tuesday. The place is huge and, though crowded, there is plenty of snow for everyone.

So, if you hadn't notice the bandage on Reagan's head by now, you certainly will in this picture. Because getting stuck in the snow and not being able to go to your intended destination due to overcrowding wasn't enough on Monday, Reagan decided to earn some battle scars. When we found an alternative spot for the kids to play we began getting all the jackets on gloves on. During this process we let Reagan crawl around the inside of the van with all the doors closed except the passenger side sliding door, which Dad was sitting in while assembling the jogger stroller. Somehow Reagan managed to climb up on the seat and do a nose dive out of the van and onto the asphalt. Fortunately, Dad caught her just as she made contact (it could have been much worse). As it was, she ended up with some bumps, scrapes, and a mouth full of mud.

Ok, your photos are absolutly amazing... what kind of camera do you have? ANd I can't believe you can go sledding with out jackets or touqes on. SO cool Geoff, love the photos... and snow in ARizona too cool.
Awesome pics Geoffy, I especially enjoyed the cheeto face and the one of you eatin' it on the "slopes".
Looks like the clan is healthy and well. I'm sure you're waiting for the snow to melt so you can get out to the links eh!?
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