Shooting in the Desert with Silly Grandpa
The Glock 20 (10mm) - The 10mm auto is one of the most powerful semi-automatic handguns available. In fact, the 10mm retains more kinetic energy at 100 yards than the .45 ACP has at the muzzle. Weston fired it a few days before and was done after one shot because it hurt his hand. Jordan couldn't get enough of it. The first picture below shows the fire coming out of the muzzle and the bullet can be seen, but is a blur. There are also a few cool shots in which the empty case can be seen in the air.
BBs and .22s

The .410 Shotgun

The .357 Magnum - Jordan and Weston put .38 Special and .357 Magnum through this gun. Needless to say, they had a "blast"

Stake Family Activity Day - So our Stake had a "Family Activity Day" at the local Jr. High. They had a huge inflatable slide, two bounce houses, a rock climbing wall, a dunk tank, kareoke and lots of food. When we pulled up Morgan was sooo excited. She was so excited that she tried to get out of the van a little too fast and took a pretty good fall. She scraped up her knee and was done before the fun even started. Poor little girl. However, she did enjoy the fries that were made in Dutch Ovens.

Rocket Fun - The kids (Jordan, Weston and Tanner) got model rockets for Christmas. We finally got around to the maiden launches. The rocket below is Weston's. Tanner needed help with the launch so no pictures of his. The wind was blowing gently. Tanner's rocket went about 1,200 feet in the air and the wind took the parachute FAR out into the desert. We eventually found it. Jordan's rocket did some sick contortion about 50 feet into the air and then did a nose dive (rocket still burning) into the ground. The nose cone was buried into the ground so when the reverse thrust went off (designed to blow the nose cone off so the parachute/streamer deploys) the rocket basically burst. No more rocket for poor Jordan.

Beautiful Arizona Sky