Monday, May 10, 2010

5/8/2010 - Picacho Peak

Awesome and painful are probably the best descriptive phrases for this hike. If you're looking to push your physical and mental limits this hike is for you! Picacho Peak is about 40 miles north of Tucson, Arizona. We live in East Mesa and left at 5:00 am for our adventure (it was suppose to get to 97 degrees that day). Once we arrived we had a quick breakfast of cereal bars and yogurt and made sure our bladders were completely drained. You start out by going roughly 1,000 ft. straight up. I had extensively researched this hike before going and heard the first part would be physically demanding, but didn't gain a full appreciation for that until my legs were screaming!

We took a nice break at the saddle and then began a CRAZY descent down the backside. I remember thinking to myself, "if it gets much more intense than this we may just have to call it a day." We dropped something like 450 ft. very quickly with the use of steel cables mounted into the rock (so much for all that work going UP!!!). The trail then heads south for a very short distance and then begins an incredible ascent to the top. At several places you're looking almost straight up and asking your self, "seriously, we're suppose to go up that and not break our necks???" Yes, seriously. Several places along the way have cables mounted into the side of the rock. The kids went right up without any complaints or reservations. I constantly reminded them to go SLOW, TAKE THEIR TIME, and AT ANYTIME, IF THEY FELT UNCOMFORTABLE TO ASK FOR HELP. Only one time did Tanner ask for help, and that was to lift him up because he couldn't reach his leg high enough to get started.

It took us around 4 hours to get back to the car. The kids did great, me not so much. Probably one of the most physically demanding things I've ever done! I've lost some weight and have been doing the Nordic Track an hour a night at least four days a week and thought that would help prepare me. WRONG!!! If I hadn't been doing these things I seriously doubt I would have made it. It's two days later and I can't remember being this sore. It is as though I spent several hours in the gym doing nothing by squats! Of course, as soon as we got back in the car the kids were asking if they could go ride their bikes when we got home. The joys of youth!!!

Great hike, highly recommended. There is a sign that mentions it's not recommended for kids under 10. Weston was 9 and Tanner was 6. They handled it without a problem. Much appreciation to Wayne Cottam for pointing us towards Picacho Peak! Net elevation gain ~ 1,820 ft. in two miles.


Unknown said...

What a cool hike. We still haven't even hiked the Y yet. Won't do it today because of the rain. Don't even talk to me about Timp.

Neener said...

Is that Ken Bryson???? you haven't climbed the Y? Seriously? hahaha.
We did it, and wished we had stuff like that here, but I guess Picacho Peak wasn't exactly close for you either. I can't believe you actually stopped to take film. Wow.
Looks like a lot of fun and you are looking good Bartlett. Take care and Ken go climb the Y.

Genny said...

How awesome!!!! Your kids are SO lucky to have a dad like you!