Jordan and Weston both had games at 8:00 a.m. this past Saturday. Since we already have a lot of pictures of Weston, and since Jordan has been without a cheering section these last few weeks, Weston went solo this time. Also, we got some more good pictures of Tanner being Tanner.

Soccer, U6 style

We need pictures like these to remind us what a sweet boy Tanner can be

Wow, talk about a tough goal to score on!

Maybe a Photoshopped football to replace the soccer ball would be good here

Tanner introduces Sumo Wrestling to soccer

Note to self...remind Tanner that when tending the goal it is helpful to stand in front of the goal line

Well, that's one way to defend the goal

This is what Tanner does when he's suppose to be warming up. I wonder who he learned this from?

Oh yes, of course, he must have learned it by observing the example set by his two older of which is learning that cleats in the back isn't a good thing and the other which appears to be enjoying providing that lesson

It's hard to see without enlarging the picture, but Jordan is proving that she's deserving of her name by displaying the true sign of any great Jordan....a wagging tongue

Girl in pink: "Ouch, someone is going to pay for that!"

Jordan: "Why me? I wasn't the one who kicked the ball into your back"

Who said girls don't play rough?

"Oh, so that's what these shin guards are for"

"Don't even think about it"

"It's either the ball or your leg, but this foot isn't going away empty"

Gaining control

Um girls, look behind you

Full Throttle

This can't be good for the camera

"You get the ball and I'll take care of the big kid"

She's got a little "Karate Kid" thing going on here

"I snap my fingers and magically the ball appears"

Up for grabs

Right through the double-team

"Hark, I see a ball"

It's to your left

"Do you have to fix your own divots?"

Let me see your War Face

Between the power of the kick and the determination in the face any defender should be trembling with fear

Jordan's version of
La Cucaracha

"Sorry sweetie, but these long legs are built for running"

"Look, I found a ball"

"Give me just one second to fix my hair"

Great defense by Jordan

It may be strike one, but what a great facial expression

Which one of the four balls are they going for?
Hey guys!! It is so fun to see pictures of your cute family. Your captions crack me up :) You really have adorable children....I wish I knew them a little better! I hope you guys are doing well and I miss you guys!
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